Sunday 9 December 2012

Shot list

Mid/Long shot of car pulling up to the front of a mysterious building.
Tracking shot of inside the warehouse revealing images of women stuck to a wall and a knife on a desk.
Close up shot of images and knife on desk.
Close up shot of arm hanging from under some white sheets on some shelving.
Mid/Long shot of protagonist's girlfriend (actor Bethany Ryman) tied up on a chair in the warehouse.
Over the shoulder shot of antagonist (actor Dan Harris) leaving through a distant door.
Multiple long shots from diffent angles of antagonist (actor Dan Harris) leaving through a distant door
Mid shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) startling and waking up from a dream/flashback.
High angle shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) startling and waking up from a dream/flashback.
Close up shot of clock.
Long shot of the bedroom scene and the protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) lying in bed asleep.
Point of view shot of the protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) looking at a photo.
Tracking shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) going to the bathroom.
Mid shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) splashing his face with water from the sink and looking at himself in the mirror.
Over the shoulder shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) looking at himself in the mirror.
Over the shoulder shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) looking at himself in the mirror and seeing his dead girlfriend (actor Bethany Ryman) in the mirror.
Point of view shot of protagonist (actor Harry Thornburn) turning round to reveal there is no one behind him.


  1. This is progressing quite well Beth but a bit more evidence needed to move to B. You need to show more evidence of how you developed your production ideas – prop planning, how your ideas fit the thriller genre and make them and effective opening – try to show how you developed your ideas from your pitch.

    Planning and research evidence is mostly complete.

    There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience. Yes – try to show how films you’ve watched have influenced your own production. Also show how you have addressed your audience expectations that you found from your research.

    There is proficient work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

    There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props. You could justify the reasoning behind your choices a little more.

    Time management is good.

    There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.

    There are proficient communication skills.

    There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.

  2. sorry - forgot to add grade - Band 3 / 12 / C
