Wednesday 17 October 2012

Seven Analysis

Seven is a psychological thriller staring Brad Pitt (as Detective David Mills) and Morgan Freeman (as Detective Lt. William Somerset). The two detectives hunt down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his method of operation.

When we are first introduced to Detective Lt. William Somerset we see him in his home getting up and ready for work. He puts on a suit and picks off the slightest hair on his jacket. To an audience this shows that Somerset takes pride in the way he looks and has a level of formality. We also see a dressing table, on this there is a number of props specifically placed perfectly which Somerset picks up in a particular order. This unordinary behaviour shows Somerset is extremely precise and organised in what he does, which is shown throughout the film.

54 seconds into the film after being introduced to Detective Lt. Somerset we see a crime scene with a dead person, face down in a pool of blood. This is unconventional of a thriller as the death has came very quickly, by doing this it creates instant mystery into who the person is, why and how he has died and any motives. Furthermore this is an instant contrast between Somerset’s regime at home and the chaos of his job and death, therefore there is already a lot for the audience to watch and keep them hooked. Somerset notices a child’s drawing attached to the fridge (another prop used) he then asks the other detective on scene if the child saw what happened, this shows Somerset’s personality, he thinks logically, what if the child had seen? Could they be interviewed etc. but the other detective is agitated at this question and thinks its irrelevant saying that he’ll be “glad to get rid of you” (talking to Somerset). Moreover we see more contrast, in this shot reverse shot where they speak of the chid, Somerset is seen in the kitchen with a child’s drawing displaying innocence whereas the other detective is shown in the room of the crime scene with blood splattered all over the blind.

We are then introduced to Detective David Mills, we see him walking up the stairs to the crime scene, he seems relaxed and carefree, this shown through what he wears and his personality. Compared to Somerset who wears a sharp suit, Mills wears a creased, un ironed shirt, top button undone with a loose tie and a jacket which was fashionable in the time period. He also walks with his shoulders slouched and his face vacant, which to the audience would seem peculiar as he doesn’t seemed bothered by the graphic scene he has just walked into. Very soon after this the setting changes and we are taken outside with Somerset and Mills talking to one another, the weather is conventional of a thriller; miserable, grey and rainy which can also be seen as pathetic fallacy against the death. The shot type is a low angle and shows Somerset walking just in front of Mills furthermore, Mills is jumping in and out of people to keep up with Somerset whom no one walks in his way. This shows who has the most authority between the two, this is also shown through the mise en scene of the contrast in their clothing. When the two speak Somerset asks why Mills fought to get the job in this area and when Mills replies reciting his qualities Somerset tells him to forget everything he knows and ‘the next seven days’ will be different from anything he’s done before. By stating the time period of seven days we are reminded of the title of this film which foreshadows events and sets the film up.  

The title sequence for Sev7n is incredibly effective, we’re shown a number of different shots which all straight cut into black, these are edited together fast paced to create tension furthermore black shots were used instead of any other colour to create an eerie atmosphere, black is the colour power and strength it’s a sombre colour which is associated with evil, the colour evokes strong emotions and is easy to overwhelm people with too much black. The white credits contrast with this and are shown to be sketchy and flicker on and off screen by them doing this they seem rough rather then being ‘nice and neat’. All of the shots revolve around one person in the opening, possibly the antagonist although the most we see of him is his hands. The shots show him writing in a journal, cutting negatives and cutting off his own fingerprints. To the audience this could be presented as the serial killer creating a log of his victims and hiding his identity. All of these shots are edited and faded to be dull almost black and white shots although we suddenly get the first shot of colour in the title sequence which is saturated in red, red is the colour of blood and danger. By doing this the audience are still enticed to the title sequence and stay interested.

After the title sequence we see Mills with his wife in bed then getting ready for work, it is also shows the contrast between the beginning and how the two detectives get ready for work entirely different. With his clothes slouched over a chair and his tie ready done. He is ready and waiting for Somerset in the pouring rain with a warm coffee for him, obviously trying to impress and create a good impression. Although Somerset rejects the coffee and focuses on the job in hand. We then see a tracking shot with Somerset in being briefed on the crime scene they are about to enter, and again Mills is left walking behind. This shows out of the two who is leading the case. When entering this crime scene the place is covered in flies and other insects to the audience they can see that the body has been there for a while. We then see an incredibly large dead man sat at a table with his head in a bowl of food, along with this bowl we see the table is covered with half eaten bowls of food which seems suspicious furthermore when searching the house there are numerous amounts of tinned food, stacked and organised. This is bizarre as a person who would live in the squalor the audience are subject too would not organise their food in such a way. But, then the shot goes to the victims feet and we see they are tied up, cutting deep into is overweight ankles which shows not only to Somerset and Mills but also to the watchers that this was no accident, someone did this to the gluttony victim. Which creates the storyline of tracking down the killer and the mystery and suspicion of who would do this.

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