Monday 29 October 2012

Title Sequences

The title sequence for Seven doesn't directly open the movie, we are first introduced to the two main charecters who meet for the first time. We establish their on screen chemistry and partnership and also the main key features which are found within seven; desperation and violence. By the end of the scene we see Detective Sommersets night time ritual of calming down, and drowning out all the chaos from his day with the sound of a metronome,it's repetative rythm almost sends him and the audience into a hypnotic trance. As the picture fades into darkness we then exposed to the darker title sequence where we follow the short story of the hands of an unknown man, whom to the audience will be presumed to be the antagonist. We see him making entries into a journal, taking clippings from books and primary photographs. His planning is obessive and methodical and the audience are taken into the mind of a serial killer obsessed with religion.

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